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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every October, people all over the world show their support for everyone affected by breast cancer.

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month and beyond, however you’re experiencing breast cancer, we’re here.

We’re here to help you understand the signs and symptoms, for more information click here.

Don’t forget to Touch, Look, Check:

Don’t forget to Touch, Look, Check

TOUCH YOUR BREASTS- Can you feel anything new or unusual?

LOOK FOR CHANGES- Does anything look different?

CHECK ON ANY CHANGES- Discuss any changes with your AssociatesMD physician.

More than a third of women don’t check their breasts. We’re here to help you remember.

Check all parts of your breasts, your armpits and up to your collarbone (upper chest) for changes. No matter what size or shape your breasts are, check them regularly and discuss changes with your doctor.

Schedule your mammogram

Schedule your mammogram

Breast cancer risk increases with age. So it’s especially important for you to get that mammogram. A mammogram is recommended every year, for preventative purposes, starting at age 40. For help scheduling your mammogram, contact your PHA at 954-876-9008.

Learn the signs of secondary breast cancer

Learn the signs of secondary breast cancer

Too many people with secondary breast cancer experience delays in diagnosis. Pay attention to changes in your body and share them with your AssociatesMD Physician immediately. We’re here to help you spot it sooner.

Breast cancer in men

It’s time we stop the stigma – breast cancer isn’t just a woman’s disease. And just like how we would naturally want to address warning symptoms of other diseases, so should men be attentive to possible signs and risks of breast cancer.

Breast cancer in men

It’s rare, but men can get breast cancer too and awareness can help in early detection and higher chances of survival. We’re here to help everyone to be body aware.