Nelson Calvo, APRN is originally from Havana City, Cuba. Growing up he always had a passion for medicine and in 1990 started medical School and graduated in 1996 as a general practitioner in a well-recognized institution, Hospital Calixto Garcia. Nelson then completed his residency program as a Family Physician, ending as a specialist in Urology in 2002. Shortly after, he was sent by the Cuban government to Venezuela as a primary care provider to serve as a doctor in underserved communities.
Working without resources in a community, living below the poverty standard, isolated from health facilities, without economic resources, and with an extremely low level of education, created a new challenge for Mr. Clavo. He then set a goal to reduce comorbidities and mortality associated with parasitism, and chronic/acute disease.
In 2007 he moved to America in hopes of better possibilities for his family and himself. In 2018, after many years of hard work and dedication, Nelson graduated as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and returned to the Primary Care setting again. Now with more experience, he utilized the tools he learned in medical school, residency, and life to improve and promote health in my community. As a practitioner, his goal is to continue using his extensive experience when treating patients and learning in this fast-evolving world of medicine.
Nelson Calvo, APRN is proud to be happily married with two sons, one of which has already graduated as a Medical Doctor and the other on his way to becoming a physician as well. In his free time, he likes practicing sports, dancing, and listening to music.